AIFIR-200 Mineralization In-line Water Cartridge

In-line alkalizing-mineralizing cartridge, increses pH and lowers ORP of filtered water


Aquafilter offers AIFIR-200 In-line alkalizer cartridge suitable for POU (Point of Use) installations. Through an accurate combination of different bioceramic media which increase pH level and reduce ORP, AIFIR-200 allows the obtaining of alkalized water. Several studies have identified the health benefits of drinking alkalized water and the findings are a follows; improving conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, fatigue, insomnia as well as stress, immune system functions, blood circulation and mental alertness of the human body. Additionally, AIFIR-200 uses BACINIXTM nanosilver technology, enhancing protection against microbiological growth in the cartridge and a continuous supply of fresh and clean drinking water.

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